Anyway, a short introduction to any new and/or non-Norwegian readers: I'm currently studying veterinary medicine in Hannover, Germany, which I've been doing since October 2008. Last September I did an out-of-character impulse buy - after having gotten an offer I couldn't refuse, I'm now the owner of my very own dressage Wunder-horse!
Fonti is a Westfalian-bred chestnut gelding by Fürst Piccolo ( - Fidermark) out of Rubina ( - Rubinstein - Weltmeyer), born 2003 but insisting on behaving like a 3-year old most of the time.
Standing 1,80 m (17.7 hands) he's on the large side, but thankfully came equipped with a quite compact build and sense of compassion (i.e. he doesn't try to throw me off).
If you scroll down you'll se plenty of pictures of him, but here's another one just because:
But this post WILL be about the horse! Because yesterday we had our first training since before Chrismas. I have been at home in Norway over the holidays, and so Fonti's been exercised by the 'bereiter' (is there an English word for the German "Bereiter" (the new name is "Pferdewirt")?) employed by the riding club, who is also the man I bought Fonti from. So it's a win-win situation: I get to see my family and old friends, and the horse is being upgraded as I'm away! It's really a once in a lifetime opportunity to have your own horse to train with, the most qualified riders/instructors ready to help you and at the same time be able to go home on vacation without having to worry about the horse.
So yesterday I was just going to take it easy I thought, get back into the feel of things and have a nice, relaxed trainig session. But Fonti had other plans, which I understood as he speeded around at the end of a 20 meter rope (otherwise known as lungeing). Or as one of the other riders in the arena expressed it: Er ist heute sehr motivert! ("He's very motivated today!").
No kidding.
I almost always lunge him before getting on, not so much because he bucks or the like but because he's more relaxed and supple if he can warm-up on his own. I wait for him to "abschnauzen" (again I don't know the English word: the sound the horse makes when he exhales/blows through his nose, signalling relaxation. Snorting would be when they're tense/scared, right?), then I get on. As expected Fonti felt like a time-bomb for the first 20 min, looking at everything and checking if they're dangerous (which should be done from a distance of 5-7 meter according to the Horse Manual for Having Fun and Avoiding Work).
Still, it's difficult to get angry with him - first of all, he's an animal made for running who's been coped up in a 3x3 m box for most of the day, it's cold and we've shaved of his fur (you can almost see the neon sign in his brain blinking "Gotta keep moving!"), and if he can keep having fun after weeks of mainly indoor arena training then great! Once he's gotten rid of some excess energy he's usually very willing to work, and almost always a very postive horse to work with.
Our main issue yesterday was to get him to accept my left leg, not lean against it on the circle or run through the corners unbalanced withe the hindquarters to the inside. The frustrating thing is that deep down I know what he does, I know what I must do and still I let it slide untill someone points it out. Yesterday, well into the training and after som half-hearted attempt to push him from my inside leg into the outside rein, it took some yelling from bereiter J before I got to it and got it right. And after Fonti started bending correctly, the trot-canter-trot transitions we'd been working on were of course no longer a problem... Next time, no excuses, consistent riding from the start of the training!
Things to work on:
*Correct bending (duh!)
*Shoulders back, long legs, sit more to the right
*Round, uphill canter strides (don't hold him back!)
*Lead with the outside rein, don't hang on to the inside one
*He shouldn't balance himself on me hand/rein - must carry himself
Maybe if I write it here, I'll be able to remember it better. It's not really that difficult, it's doing it all at the same time that's killing me!
Hey, you've gone English!
Now I am hoping for many, detailed updates on you and Fonti :-)
Glad you're in English now so I can read! Your Fonti is a lovely boy - he'd dwarf my Pie who is only 15.2 hands.
SvarSlettI'm here from Horse of Course, so glad you decided to go English. Now I can look forward to reading about your beautiful horse Fonti and your training adventures.
SvarSlettI'm glad you are writing in English and look forward to reading more posts. Your Fonti sounds like a blast -- and so handsome! I don't think there is an English word for when they relax and blow. Maybe we should borrow the Norwegian one!
SvarSlettI've just visited from HorseOfCourse too - great to read about German training in English :)
SvarSlettOh, and I always say "blow out" when describing the noise they make when their breathing starts calming down and airways clear at the beginning of work.
Hah, I've been looking for the correct term for "pruste" for a long time. "Blow out" sounds a bit wrong in my mind, but I think we all get what you mean ;)
SvarSlettI like that you've gone english too, read more english=learn more english= write better english myself?
I'll keep an eye out for updates about you and Fonti!
Thank you all of you, for your comments!
SvarSlettAnd thank you HoC for your blogrecommendation:)
It's funny that there's no real word for "pruste" in English - usually it's the other way around!
as i am discovering, the germans do not have specific words for things that we english speakers do:
SvarSlettbay (color of horse)
everytime i catch a new example i make a big deal, "Oh, well in America we have a unique word for that!"
but the snorty sounds horses make, no, those need good words, we are sadly lacking!
anyway we have friends in hannover and really enjoy that city. if you have a chance, go to their zoo, it's akin to disneyland!